Saturday, August 08, 2009

Pandemic effect

H1N1 final stage


Benjamin said...


Idhrendur said...

Yay! It's good to see some of your artwork again.

not said...

hi Felix
salam kenalll...
ini danot yg dari stgcc kemaren..
artworks nya keren2 bgt...
love ur artwork..

Alex Deligiannis said...

Wow man, really nice to see some new work. Those wedding drawings down below are fantastic! Really great stuff, bro!

Brandon Starr said...

Nice. I especially like the rendering on the face.

may said...

Hi Felix, wazzzappp? hope u r very fine with everything. Keep posing your artworks, i'm a big fan of yours:)

PS: Surprisingly, I'm working on a boar character as well, haha:)

Felix Lim said...

Thanks for the comments guys!! that really fueling me in this desert im living in.
Alex: is it boar year? or is it just me?ur avatar.haha
May: THanks my friend,I love ur stuff as well. show me ur boar when its done.
Not: aloo makasih ya utk mampir di blog ini haha.

Frans Kusuma said...

uhhh... update, please?
It's been almost a year. :)

Martin Hsu said...

Nice, Felix!!!! Good to see you posting again ^_^