Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long and exhausting weapon designs.
So glad that its done. Learned a lot about materials and design through the process.
It's quite amazing how a seemingly simple subject matter like this can teach you so much about laws of beauty. I have by no means achieve absolute beauty but I certainly had a glimpse into how a great design should look like.
The best designs should come from a spontaneous feeling. Execute the lines with a fast sweep that can be tweaked later. Do a couple passes, use Pen tool in PS to refine your initial lines. Always consider flow and rhythm when finding the right shapes. If it doesn't feel right, never hesitate to "murder your darling."


SaeSae said...

your best work yet feeelax!! keep at it. dont deny me of your work.

Martin Hsu said...

these are amazing felix. i really like the varied styles. way to go expanding your horizon!

dodol said...

lol, like that term used..."murder your darling" haha. =D

dodol said...

oopps, forgot one more thing. They all look nice, like'm =D, where'r the characters yielding them?